Frequently Asked Questions
why do we need to start with 3 consecutive treatments?
Three consecutive treatments are required when starting all new patients in order to ensure that there will be long-term benefits from the treatments. If only treated once or twice, it could potentially only last for 24-48 hours, however when treated three consecutive times it has shown to have effects for up to three months.
can this hurt my animal or make them sore?
No, this therapy system using microcurrent which does not have the ability to overstimulate tissue in the body or cause tetanic contractions that could exhaust the muscles. Along with this, the computer circuitry within the acuscope will continuously adjust the treatment being sent out until the wavelengths are normal, once they reach a normal level the goal will only be to hold it at that level and not go any further.
what is the difference between the acuscope and the myopulse?
The acuscope is the primary instrument, while the myopulse is a supplemental instrument to the acuscope. The acuscope works directly through the central nervous system addressing nerve cells. The myopulse works through the electromagnetic field of soft tissues to help balance the electromagnetic field around muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc.
is Taping or using accesories better for a treatment?
Taping and using accessories are both beneficial for treatments. Each animal will have different needs, which will allow for me to create an individualized program to that animal’s needs to determine what would be best for them.
what are the Benefits of using this therapy system?
Depending on what the horses’ needs are, the benefits can vary. This therapy system is FDA approved for neuromuscular and musculoskeletal conditions, pain relief, and accelerated healing by at least 50%. Besides these benefits increased range of motion, reduced inflammation, and relief from muscle soreness are some of the most common benefits that I see.
what is the cumulative effect and why is it important?
When conducting any series of treatments, they will ideally be done within 12-24 hours of the last treatment in order to get the most out of the treatments. When treatments are done cumulatively, they allow the cells to hold a charge on their own and will have longer lasting effects.
How does this therapy system Differ from other therapy modalities?
This therapy system differs from other therapy modalities because of its low-amperage, non-invasive current and because of the intelligence in its computer circuitry. Most other therapy modalities will use current in the form of milli-amp, while the acuscope uses a microcurrent which is the same current naturally produced by cells in the body allowing them to recognize and respond to the current easily. Along with this, the computer circuitry is able to give us biofeedback readings that allows us to pinpoint areas of cellular dysfunction. During a treatment the computer circuitry will analyze the health of the tissue and continuously change the current of the treatment until it reaches a normal wavelength, which it will then hold instead of overstimulating the tissue.
why are animal calibrated instruments important?
Animal calibrated instruments are important because they take into account the differences between animal and human anatomy and cellular function. If using human calibrated instruments on animals the results will not be as effective or as precise as the results you would expect from an animal calibrated instrument.