ats animal calibrated electro-acuscope and myopulse therapy system
What it is
The ATS animal calibrated Electro-Acuscope and Myopulse Therapy System is sold exclusively through Animal Therapy Systems. These instruments are FDA approved for neuromuscular and musculoskeletal conditions, pain relief, and to accelerate healing by at least 50%.
Every living creature is made up of cells, which all have a charge to them. When cells are functioning properly and are healthy then they are considered ‘fully charged’ and have energy flowing between them. However, when damage to the body occurs such as soreness, injuries, or compensation to an injury, cells will begin to lose their charge and the flow of energy will decrease causing them to not have the capacity to heal the damage without extended periods of rest.
This therapy system has the ability to pinpoint areas of cellular dysfunction and has biofeedback capabilities that provides numerical
readings about how damaged or healthy the tissue is. When areas of abnormal tissue are pinpointed, the instruments can treat through this area by delivering a current in the form of micro-amps.
Microcurrent is one of the biggest pieces that sets the acuscope apart from other therapy modalities. Other therapeutic devices use current in the form of milli-amps, which has the ability to block pain signals. Microcurrent is the same amount of current that can be found naturally in the body, which will allow the body to recognize and respond to it easily in comparison to other currents. Since it is working to recharge damaged cells, instead of blocking pain signals for temporary relief, it will provide long-term results through the health of the cells that it is treating.
It is important to keep in mind that the acuscope itself is not healing an injury, but rather allowing damaged cells to return to their fully functioning abilities so that they can heal the problem areas in the body on their own.
The acuscope is also equipped with a computer circuitry that allows it to continually adjust the current until it is at a normal pattern with no resistance. Because of the non-invasive properties of microcurrent and the intelligence of the computer circuitry within the acuscope, it is not able to overtreat or overstimulate tissue in the body.
Frequently treated conditions
Muscle Spasms
Arthritic Conditions
Stifle Problems
Back Problems
Pinched Nerves
Abscessed Feet
Traumatic Injury
Navicular Syndrome
Joint Inflammation
Bowed Tendons
Ligament Problems
Body Soreness
Pulled Muscles
Nerve Paralysis
Ring Bone